Hi Damon I am not a doctor but I have been using systemic enzymes to eat’ any clotting that might be happening in my blood.
I use serrapeptase for the fibrin and nattokinase for the blood clots. These are little powerhouses and eat through endometriosis and other sources of protein in the blood which shouldn’t be there.
I have also been doing a heavy metal lease using chlorella and coriandolo for the past year now. My memory is sonic improved. I want to check my blood to see if these things are helping me (birding know where ir how).
Can you advise me pls? What sort of blood tests should I ask for?
Also p.s I suggest getting a powerful water filter such as reverse osmosis (with minerals added) to remove fluoride and metals from your drinking water.
I also recommend not eating meat cos animals are injected up to the eye balls with ‘vaccines’.
Thanks but tbh I don't have much faith in doctors so not being one is a plus.
At the moment I'm running the a lot of vitamins but primarily horse dewormer for ivermectin, colloidal gold, Zyfilm(a complex natto/enzyme blend). This is the second time I've heard about serrapeptase so I will introduce it as well.
Most doctors in western countries don't do live blood analysis, its usually the naturopath. You can get varying results due to the equipment used. My photos are up to 450 magnification. Just do an online search for dark field microscopy and/or live blood analysis and something will come up.
I'm yet to catch up but you'll see the difference when I upload my two attempts at fact checking the guy I used. One the equipment is garbage and the other he adds a liquid to it and it looks completely different.
I was excited to be retesting as the shedding bubbles had changed significantly and I had hoped it was the reason why but my bloods were back to how they were. I'll reintroduce the c60 or glutathione that was used just as I introduced the colloidal gold and try to recreate the odd result.
Thanks, this is really helpful. I’ll look into finding blood analysis in London.
Also I’m not sure if this is accurate but I read recently that ivermectin destroys male fertility (am sharing that in case you may or may not be interested).
The author posed the question as to whether that was why ivermectin had been so widely recommended as a natural cure (I.e was it because the deep state hoped it would support their depop plan).
I do not know what to believe must if the time these days! Although I did check and there are research studies out there which allude to the above.
I only use colloidal gold for mental well-being...and silver for health. What are you using the gold for? Thanks
Tbh i am the same. Normal recommended dosage did nothing that I was aware of(both subjectively and the bloods which progressively got worse)
In fairness they got worse before the C60 but the introduction of the c60 didn't perform any better than snake oil. My last ditch attempt at it and the glutathione was to increase the doses dramatically (a bottle a day for the 3 days leading upto the microscooy) and while the blood looked better there were lots of rope like stuff. Not sure what it is, the naturopath thinks it was a sigb of detox but I suspect its Graphene oxide.
I'm about 4 or five visits behind but will catch up when I get back to work.
Hi Damon I am not a doctor but I have been using systemic enzymes to eat’ any clotting that might be happening in my blood.
I use serrapeptase for the fibrin and nattokinase for the blood clots. These are little powerhouses and eat through endometriosis and other sources of protein in the blood which shouldn’t be there.
I have also been doing a heavy metal lease using chlorella and coriandolo for the past year now. My memory is sonic improved. I want to check my blood to see if these things are helping me (birding know where ir how).
Can you advise me pls? What sort of blood tests should I ask for?
Also p.s I suggest getting a powerful water filter such as reverse osmosis (with minerals added) to remove fluoride and metals from your drinking water.
I also recommend not eating meat cos animals are injected up to the eye balls with ‘vaccines’.
Best of luck
Hi Beth
Thanks but tbh I don't have much faith in doctors so not being one is a plus.
At the moment I'm running the a lot of vitamins but primarily horse dewormer for ivermectin, colloidal gold, Zyfilm(a complex natto/enzyme blend). This is the second time I've heard about serrapeptase so I will introduce it as well.
Most doctors in western countries don't do live blood analysis, its usually the naturopath. You can get varying results due to the equipment used. My photos are up to 450 magnification. Just do an online search for dark field microscopy and/or live blood analysis and something will come up.
I'm yet to catch up but you'll see the difference when I upload my two attempts at fact checking the guy I used. One the equipment is garbage and the other he adds a liquid to it and it looks completely different.
I was excited to be retesting as the shedding bubbles had changed significantly and I had hoped it was the reason why but my bloods were back to how they were. I'll reintroduce the c60 or glutathione that was used just as I introduced the colloidal gold and try to recreate the odd result.
Thanks, this is really helpful. I’ll look into finding blood analysis in London.
Also I’m not sure if this is accurate but I read recently that ivermectin destroys male fertility (am sharing that in case you may or may not be interested).
The author posed the question as to whether that was why ivermectin had been so widely recommended as a natural cure (I.e was it because the deep state hoped it would support their depop plan).
I do not know what to believe must if the time these days! Although I did check and there are research studies out there which allude to the above.
I only use colloidal gold for mental well-being...and silver for health. What are you using the gold for? Thanks
Tbh i am the same. Normal recommended dosage did nothing that I was aware of(both subjectively and the bloods which progressively got worse)
In fairness they got worse before the C60 but the introduction of the c60 didn't perform any better than snake oil. My last ditch attempt at it and the glutathione was to increase the doses dramatically (a bottle a day for the 3 days leading upto the microscooy) and while the blood looked better there were lots of rope like stuff. Not sure what it is, the naturopath thinks it was a sigb of detox but I suspect its Graphene oxide.
I'm about 4 or five visits behind but will catch up when I get back to work.
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