As you can see another disappointing live blood analysis. Large amounts of clotting (or at least the compression of RBC's). As usual this phenomenon happens a lot when theres “Moderna” shedding, Almost as if the cells are put under pressure or gravity but with the shedding at the centre of the “clot”.
While disheartening at the time itsll information and learning so there are no failures just educations. I was using c60, horse dewormer, and the usual vitamins and minerals. I had introduced frequency healing via a skio machine before my second visit so I had misgivings that the frequency healing came with risks due to the online sources talking about 5g.
I had also seen the videos about the tips of the covid tests and suspected that my last lot of tests had more to do with that then anything else. Still, in saying that I made sure to assess this lot and while there was a lot of shedding we didn't see anything complex i.e. fibres or structures.
The below was what my microscopy bloke says is Astrazeneca shedding or at least what he saw in his initial patients during the rollout.
Originally I had thought that the slide was dirty but now I'm open to believing.
The following is what he says is how novavacs shedding presents.
The next one was another example of Pfizer, there appears to be some differences etc but like everything its not a guarantee and far from settled. Ideally I'll have others also showing similar otherwise if its not repeatable its not science.
I will say that the clumping/clotting/compressed RBC's always appear to be with the “Moderna” shedding.
I will say looking at the lack of spacing and compression of the RBC's it goes along way to explaining the tiredness I felt at the time.
While there was a ton of shedding (if thats what ut is) i had a lot more healthy RBC's then last time and no structures/fibres this time. On that it is NOT guaranteed because at most you're looking at 3 drops of blood in an hour. Out of 6 liters so take the bloods with a grain of salt until you see a consistent pattern over multiple visits.

At least I didn't look like a Morgellons factory so I'll take any good news. I would also appreciate any comments or thoughts because we're all in this together and we'll lose as individuals or win as a species together.
The following is what I was told was an acid crystal with a shedding bubble next to it. By know its been eating at me, why are some full, some empty and some anywhere in between? Its starting to dawn on me that they are emptying themselves into our system.
I hadn't clicked to the photo that shows the colouring appearing to flow into the fibre (last visit).
I'm on my phone so its difficult but I'm slowly getting used to substacks buttons etc. I'll probably redo my original posts so I look less like a no talent arse clown.
I've spoken to one person in Canada and they jave said they're getting similar results but I haven't seen any pictures to compare. My next 2 visits are me trying to fact check the results but the equipment and procedure were completely different. One used a liquid added to it and the other was too old and basic to be any use.

Hi Damon I am not a doctor but I have been using systemic enzymes to eat’ any clotting that might be happening in my blood.
I use serrapeptase for the fibrin and nattokinase for the blood clots. These are little powerhouses and eat through endometriosis and other sources of protein in the blood which shouldn’t be there.
I have also been doing a heavy metal lease using chlorella and coriandolo for the past year now. My memory is sonic improved. I want to check my blood to see if these things are helping me (birding know where ir how).
Can you advise me pls? What sort of blood tests should I ask for?
Also p.s I suggest getting a powerful water filter such as reverse osmosis (with minerals added) to remove fluoride and metals from your drinking water.
I also recommend not eating meat cos animals are injected up to the eye balls with ‘vaccines’.
Best of luck