Hi All
Been tired (lazy) but time to get going. Not making excuses but I work 12 hours a day for 14 days and then have 6 days off, in reality though I'm nowhere near as fatigued as I've been in the past when the bloods looked appalling.
I'll start with the new normal, just the slide
Obviously some glass imperfections etc but nothing that looks like what we're displaying
In saying that these little grey/green(colour blind) little things are new, to both of us.
I have video and you can see movement within the circle, almost like an embryo moving in an egg. Before all the weird shit popping up (after the vaxx, not Clifford Carnicom before it) you might assume that these sacks are associated with the blood worms that have been seen prior from insect bites.
IF that was the case though this would have been seen sometime over the 25 years they have been involved in microscopy and they would have seen it.
The little white thing is also worth noting.
Odd but not as odd as some of the other findings since the start, in saying that I'm having to increase my worming just in case….
I believe that this is a crystal of nature origin, the uneven shape/growth is a give away(my assumption). Makes sense though as the chemical disposition of the fluid it's growing in would change i.e. salt/mineral concentration combined with the movement of fluid. A uniform crystal growing in an underground chamber wouldn't have the changing external forces on it.
This may be another crystal with a small bubble of shedding
Unknown, maybe natural debris that may not be attached to a small eggsack? On the original I can expand and see a little better.
Unfortunately the clotting isn’t as good as the last two visits, you can see that fine line/linkage leaving this bubble and some clotting/clumping without a bubble close by.
Who actually knows but whether explainable or not it needs to be seen and documented. Looks like shedding that's almost discharged either trapping a parasite or perhaps a structure.
I'm not sure if this is a natural blood worm or a structure as its wrapped around a bubble of shedding
The above and below photos show something odd which may not even be linked, frustrating but you have to keep it real.
Late nights always mess me up so I'm more disjointed then I'd like. I usually can remember what we discuss and what are the normal parasites, rhe below was a parasite and I tried to get both ends(head and bottom). I'll repost a couple of the photos of the clot and worm/structure
Some of the blood separation is back, still don't know if its a case if the clumping/clotting leaving an area short of RBCs or that something is displacing them.
As usual when the clotting happens we get a trap of sorts, everything aopears to get stuck. Its a shame I cannot follow this over time and watch what happens.
The lines of light appear to be back, there is still the off chance this is related to the glass slides and cover i.e. the addition of blood changes the lighting effect on scratches and the this may create the linkages/filigree look.
This is just a hypothesis to try and explain something that cannot easily be explained. I doubt it is so bbut its better to keep and open mind and understand that just because I cannot explain something doesn't mean there isn't one.
I'm sorry for the delay and how disjointed my writing is on this one(worse ;) ). I'm tired , working nights and stretched thin.
I've paid for another professional to look at my blood but that appears to have gone to shit and someone randomly stole the samples I sent, what could go fucking wrong with that hey. May have been misplaced though so i should know in a day or two.
By now it should be obvious that this was never just about money. Its far too large and far reaching, too well co ordinated and integrated. The harms are immense and debilitating and only overshadowed by the fraud to hide them.
The above should always be viewed with the below.
People that have no soul don't have a problem selling it, the sociopath in them feels like they alhave ripped a sucker off by doing so.
For the data analysis I highly recommend Ed Dowds clever bypassing of the censorship and fraud our governments are using. He used the publicly listed insurance companies payouts for deaths and disabilities. If you don't already please consider following him on as many platforms as possible.
A Statistician who has done astoundingly good work is Joel Smalley,
We wake people up, no other way.
How are you doing? You haven't posted in a while.
Wow that's a nice scope you got. I can tell, even from a pic of a pic. Im envious mate. Check out the staining of those gels I just did on my substack. I'm sure some. Of it it pseudo fungus/slime Mold like dicty.